Sunday, February 6, 2011

Ada District

Today we went to Ada, near the border of the Accra and Volta regions in Ghana. This is where the River Volta spills into the Gulf of Guinea. This was another trip organized by USAC so we had the luxury of prearranged food and travel.

Once we arrived at the hotel outside Ada Foah we boarded a boat which took us on a cruise down the Volta to the sea. We stopped at the mouth of the river to take in the spectacular view of the river emptying into the Atlantic. It was amazing to stand on a beach overlooking the ocean with the strong current of the river flowing parallel to the beach. I took the opportunity to do a little panoramic video of this:

After our encounter with the river/ocean beach we got back on the boat, which can be seen on the beach at the end of the video. From the ocean we moved back into the mouth of the river where we visited a village on one of the numerous islands. The chief of the village gave us a tour and showed us how they make alcohol from sugar cane. I felt like it would be rude to take pictures of his village while he was speaking to us so, I sadly do not have any pictures of this.

After the island village we headed back to the hotel for lunch. (I'll talk about Ghanaian food in a separate post someday when I have a more complete knowledge of the subject.) The rest of the day was relaxing but not really note worthy. I'm getting ready to go watch the Superbowl (Fun fact: if you add a random space, Superbowl can turn into: Superb owl ... which is pretty cool in itself.) so until next time, enjoy the snow!

P.S. - I went to the opening of the 2011 Africa Unite Symposium on Friday where there were speeches and a showing of Bob Marley's "Africa Unite!". After the video, the speaker wanted to acknowledge Rita Marley (Bob's wife). She had been sitting two rows behind me the whole time, how cool is that?


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